(A) Lymphocytes
(B) Monocytes
(C) Erythrocytes
(D) Vascular smooth muscle cells
Tag: General Microbiology Mcqs
Which one of the following immunoglobulins can cross the blood placental barrier?
(A) Ig G
(B) Ig M
(C) Ig A
(D) Ig D
Bioterrorism microbial agents are classified based upon:
(A) Pathogenicity
(B) Spread
(C) Availability
(D) Both “A” and “B”
Which one is NOT protective mechanism of body:
(A) Fever
(B) Necrosis
(C) Phagocytosis
(D) Inflammation
Which of the following is a type of leukocytes and are included in agranulocytes?
(A) Neutrophils
(B) Basophils
(C) Monocytes
(D) Eosinophils
All are antigen-antibody interaction in living host EXCEPT:
(A) Neutralization
(B) Precipitation
(C) Opsonization
(D) Agglutination
The coagulase test is used to differentiate between Staphylococcus aureus from:
(A) Streptococci
(B) Micrococci
(C) Enterococci
(D) other staphylococci
The ability of the immune system to recognize self-antigens versus non-self-antigen is an example of:
(A) Specific immunity
(B) Humoral immunity
(C) Cell mediated immunity
(D) Tolerance