(A) 0.005 nm
(B) 0.005 μ
(C) 0.5 μ
(D) 0.05 nm
Tag: General Microbiology Mcqs
Which of the following virus has double stranded RNA?
(A) Hepatitis A
(B) Hepatiris B
(C) Polio
(D) Reovirus
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is caused by:
(A) Virus
(B) Bacteria
(C) Chlamydia
(D) Fungus
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is transmitted by:
(A) Transduction
(B) Transformation
(C) Mutation
(D) Plasmids
Which of the following, regarding acid-fastness of the two Mycobacteria is true?
(A) Mycobacterium tuberculosis is more acid-fast than Mycobacterium leprae
(B) Mycobacterium leprae is more acid-fast than Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(C) Bothe are equally acid-fast
(D) Both are acid-fast but not acid-alcohol-fast
Blood groups were first discovered by:
(A) Landsteiner
(B) Richet
(C) Metchnikoff
(D) Jenner
“Step-wise” mutation for drug resistance is seen with:
(A) Penicillin
(B) Strepromycin
(C) Garamycin
(D) Kanamycin.
Carbol fuchsin (used for Zeihl Neelsen staining) consists of all the following EXCEPT:
(A) Basic fuchsin
(B) Absolute alcohol
(C) Formaldehyde
(D) Aqueous phenol