(A) Protein
(B) Lipid
Tag: General Microbiology Mcqs
Structural component that is found in all viruses is:
(A) The envelope
(C) Capsid
(D) Spikes
Viruses range in size from:
(A) 1-100 nm
(B) 25-300 nm
(C) 10-100 μm
(D) 400-1000 nm
Swarming growth on culture is characteristic of which Gram-negative organism:
(A) Clostridium tetani
(B) Clostridium botulinum
(C) Bacillus cereus
(D) Proteus mirabilis
A patient of acute lymphocytic leukemia with fever and neutropenia develops diarrhea after amoxicillin therapy, which of the following organism is most likely to be the causative agent?
(A) Salmonella typhi
(B) Clostridium perfringens
(C) Clostridium difficile
(D) Shigella flexneri
An 18-year-old male presented with acute onset descending paralysis of 3 days duration. There is also a history of blurring of vision for the same duration. Both pupils are non-reactive. The most probable diagnosis is:
(A) Poliomyelitis
(B) Botulism
(C) Diphtheria
(D) Porphyria
The most effective way of preventing tetanus is:
(A) Surgical debridement and toilet
(B) hyperbaric oxygen
(C) Antibiotics
(D) Tetanus toxoid
Viruses that can remain latent (usually in neurons) for many years are most likely:
(A) Togaviruses
(B) Herpesviruses
(C) Enteroviruses
(D) Rhinoviruses