(A) Pseudomonas
(B) Brucella
(C) Francisella
(D) Bordetella
Tag: General Microbiology Mcqs
If vector ONLY transmits pathogen is called:
(A) Biological vector
(B) Biological reservoir
(C) Biological carrier
(D) Mechanical vector
Gas gangrene bacillus is:
(A) Facultative anaerobe
(B) Obligate aerobe
(C) Facultative aerobe
(D) Obligate anaerobe
A mutation that produces termination codon is:
(A) Mis-sense mutation
(B) Reverse mutation
(C) Non-sense mutation
(D) Frame shift mutation
Blood agar is an example of:
(A) Enrichment media
(B) Selective media
(C) Enriched media
(D) General purpose media
Genital herpes is caused by?
(A) HSV-1
(B) HSV-2
(C) HSV-3
(D) HSV-4
Antibiotics are the drugs which commonly kill?
(A) Bacteria
(B) Virus
(C) Algae
(D) Protozoa
Fungi reproduce by:
(A) Sexual Spores
(B) Fragmentation
(C) Asexual spores
(D) All of these