(A) typhoon
(B) tornado
(C) hurricane
(D) willy-willy
Tag: Geography of Pakistan Mcqs
The Doctor is a wind which:
(A) is enervating
(B) withers plants
(C) is injurious to health
(D) is conducive to health
The Mediterranean type of climate is found in mid-latitudes on the:
(A) western side of the continents in northern hemisphere and on
the eastern side of the continents in the southern hemisphere
(B) eastern side of the continents in northern hemisphere and on
the western side of the continents in the southern hemisphere
(C) eastern side of the continents
In both the hemispheres the trade winds blow towards the:
(A) Equator
(B) horse latitudes
(C) sub polar low pressure belts
(D) poles
The deflection of the wind to the right in the northern hemisphere and to Its left in the southern hemisphere is caused by the:
(A) rotation of the Earth
(B) revolution of the Earth
(C) uneven heating of the Earth
(D) All the above
If the atmospheric air is cooled because of expansion, the cooling is known as:
(A) adiabatic
(B) lapse rate
(C) alto-cooling
(D) inverse cooling
When dew point is reached it is said that at that temperature:
(A) the atmosphere is said to be saturated with water vapour
(B) the relative humidity of the atmosphere is 100%
(C) the atmosphere can hold no more water vapour
(D) All the above
Snow is formed by the process of:
(A) condensation
(B) evaporation
(C) sublimation
(D) evaporation and condensation