(A) La Nina
(B) Movement of Jet Streams
(C) El Nino and Southern Oscillations
(D) Greenhouse effect on global level
Tag: Geography of Pakistan Mcqs
Oases are examples of:
(A) wet point settlements
(B) dry point settlements
(C) foothill settlements
(D) None of these
Assemblage or ideas, beliefs, skills, institutions is represented by:
(A) civilization
(B) culture
(C) mode of life
(D) None of these
Caucasoid people account for __ per cent of world population.
(A) 33
(B) 39
(C) 29
(D) 43
The mode or lire or people living in Monsoon regions is:
(A) commercial grainfarming
(B) cattle rearing
(C) intensive subsistence cultivation
(D) plantation agriculture
Eskimos belong to:
(A) Mongoloid race
(B) White race
(C) Negroid race
(D) None of these
Pygmies are people living in:
(A) Congo forests
(B) Namibia
(C) Kenya
(D) Cape Province
Country peopled almost by migration is:
(A) The USA
(B) Brazil
(C) Australia
(D) Hawaii