(A) Siberian Type
(B) Tundra Type
(C) Taiga Type
(D) Laurentian Type
Tag: Geography of Pakistan
Sun’s halo is produced by the refraction of light in:
(A) Water vapour in Stratus Clouds
(B) Ice crystals in Cirro-cumulus clouds
(C) dust particles in stratus clouds
(D) Ice crystals in Cirrus clouds
The latitude 66.5 degree north also known as the:
(A) Tropic of Capricorn
(B) Tropic of Cancer
(C) Antarctic Circle
(D) Arctic Circle
The approximate radius or the Earth is:
(A) 25000 km
(B) 12500 km
(C) 6400 km
(D) 4500 km
Which of the following layers of the Earth is believed to account for the Earth’s magnetism?
(A) Crust
(B) Mantle
(C) Core
(D) Lithosphere
Which or the following is not a proof of Earth being an oblate spheroid?
(A) When a ship goes out to sea, first the hull disappears then the
upper parts
(B) The shadow of the Earth on the Sun during solar eclipse is
always curved
(C) Photographs of the Earth taken by artificial satellites have
confirmed the fact
(D) it has been found that polar circumference is lesser than
equatorial circumference
Why is very little rice sold in world markets?
(A) The farmers cultivating rice exist on subsistence cultivation
(B) The main producers of rice are also the main consumers
(C) The market price of rice is not very remunerative
(D) Rice is not eaten throughout the world
Cloudy nights are warmer compared to clear cloudless nights, because clouds:
(A) Prevent cold waves from the sky from descending on earth
(B) Reflect back the heat given off by earth
(C) Produce heat and radiate it towards earth
(D) Absorb heat from the atmosphere and send it towards earth