(A) lakes
(B) steep slopes
(C) great rivers
(D) waterfalls
Tag: Geography of Pakistan
Which is the largest fishing ground in the world?
(A) Japan Sea
(B) North Sea
(C) North-East Pacific
(D) Newfoundland Water
Which of the following does not characterless ‘selva’?
(A) Evergreen forest
(B) They have suffered the greatest destruction at the hands of
(C) Climbers hang from the roof formed by the foliage
(D) Commercial utilisation of these forests is difficult
Which of the following is not a minor product derived from forests?
(A) Nuts and Gums
(B) Tannin
(C) Pitch and Turpentine
(D) Pulp
Gulf Stream, the most important current of the Atlantic Ocean, takes Its birth from the Gulf of Mexico. Its importance lies in its:
(A) cooling effect
(B) warming effect
(C) area of influence
(D) influence on travel
Which of these is not true of the effects of the ocean currents?
(A) They affect commerce because they keep the harbours open
even during winter
(B) Water of the ocean is kept pure
(C) Warm equatorial currents raise the temperature while the cold
polar currents lower the temperature of the place through which
they pass
(D) They do not affect rainfall over the coast
Which of these oceans touches the shores of Asia on one side and that of America on the other?
(A) Indian Ocean
(B) Pacific Ocean
(C) Atlantic Ocean
(D) Antarctic Ocean
Along the coasts salinity is:
(A) lowered
(B) increased
(C) stable
(D) unaffected