(A) Jute
(B) Cotton
(C) Hemp
(D) Flax
Tag: Geography of Pakistan
The ‘Old Faithful’ in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming is a/an:
(A) hot spring
(B) extinct volcano
(C) geyser
(D) oak tree
Inversion of temperature refers to __ temperature with height.
(A) decrease in
(B) increase in
(C) constant
(D) both increase and decrease in
The ocean currents allow the oceans to__ year after year.
(A) become warmer
(B) become colder
(C) maintain the same temperature
(D) increase salinity
A fragment of solid matter which enters the upper atmosphere from outer space almost disintegrating before reaching the earth’s surface is:
(A) meteorite
(B) asteroid
(C) meteor
(D) comet
Plains formed by the deposits brought by glacier are:
(A) lacustrine plains
(B) flood plains
(C) drift plains
(D) coastal plains
Tibet, the highest plateau in the world, is:
(A) piedmont plateau
(B) intermontane plateau
(C) continental plateau
(D) volcanic plateau
Mountain of accumulation is:
(A) Volcanic mountains
(B) Block mountains
(C) Residual mountains
(D) Fold mountains