(A) meander
(B) alluvial fan
(C) oxbow lake
(D) levee
Tag: Geography of Pakistan
Amur, one of the longest rivers in the worlds is in:
(A) Africa
(B) South America
(C) Asia
(D) Europe
__and __ are called the ‘Low countries’ of Europe.
(A) Spain and Portugal
(B) Holland and Belgium
(C) England and Ireland
(D) Denmark and Germany
Jute requires:
(A) hot and humid climate
(B) cold climate
(C) hot and dry climate
(D) Mediterranean climate
Along which one of the following meridians did India experience the first light of the sunrise of the new millennium?
(A) 20°30’W
(B) 82°30’E
(C) 92°30’W
(D) 92°30’E
The river Irrawaddy is the life blood of:
(A) Myanmar
(B) Bangladesh
(C) Thailand
(D) Laos
The planet that is nearly comparable to Earth as regards its size and mass is:
(A) Pluto
(B) Mars
(C) Venus
(D) Mercury
Dhaulagiri peak in the Himalayan Range is located in:
(A) Bhutan
(B) Nepal
(C) Sikkim
(D) Uttar Pradesh