(A) Bachuanaland
(B) Bahamas
(C) Barbados
(D) Cameroon
Tag: Geography of Pakistan
The tropical rain forests in the Amazon basin is known as:
(A) Savanna
(B) Prairies
(C) Selvas
(D) Pampas
Muscovite, Phlogopite and Biotite are:
(A) Iron ore varieties
(B) Mica varieties
(C) Coal varieties
(D) Manganese varieties
Hemp of Mesta, Ramie and Kapok are:
(A) food crops
(B) fodder crops
(C) fibre crops
(D) plantation crops
Cuban economy is based on:
(A) fishing
(B) sugarcane cultivation
(C) iron ore mining
(D) dairying
Danube, Dneiper, Don, Volga and Ural rivers are flowing In:
(A) North America
(B) Europe
(C) Africa
(D) Australia
Cod, haddock, halibut, sole, garoupa and snapper are:
(A) major species of Tropical Forests
(B) cattle breeds
(C) fish varieties
(D) Pacific Islands
Mackeral, tuna, herrings, and anchovies belong to __ type of fish.
(A) Pelagic
(B) Demersal
(C) Anadromous
(D) Fresh water