(A) Kiruna
(B) Mesabi and Gegobic
(C) Krivoi Rog and Kerch basin
(D) Lorraine field
Tag: Geography of Pakistan
Power minerals are:
(A) manganese, platinum, tungsten
(B) mica, potash, sulphur
(C) coal, oil, natural gas
(D) lead, zinc, bauxite
The metallic minerals are:
(A) asbestos, mica, graphite
(B) iron ore, copper, lead
(C) coal, oil, natural gas
(D) salt, potash, sulphur
The countries which are called the ‘Rice Bowl’ of Asia are:
(A) China, Japan, Sri Lanka, India
(B) Myanmar, Thailand, Kampuchea and Vietnam
(C) India, Pakistan, Nepal, Mongolia
(D) Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, India
The countries with the lowest and worst economic conditions in the world referred to as the ‘Pole of hunger’ are:
(A) European Countries
(B) Middle East Countries
(C) Mid-West Countries
(D) South East Asian Countries
Ladang refers to:
(A) Shifting cultivation
(B) Plantation agriculture
(C) Subsistence type of agriculture
(D) Dry farming
White coal refers to:
(A) Hydroelectricity
(B) Petroleum
(C) Uranium
(D) Coal
Mid-latitude or temperate forests include the trees of:
(A) Rosewood, Mahogany, Rubber
(B) Teak, Sal, Bamboo
(C) Pine, Fir, Spruce
(D) Olive, Mapple, Walnut