(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin B
(C) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin D
Tag: GK Mcqs
Where is the headquarter of IMF?
(A) London
(B) New York
(C) Washington DC
(D) Paris
Knot is used for which of the following measurement?
(A) Speed of Bike
(B) Speed of Bus
(C) Speed of Airplane
(D) Speed of Ships
Hague is situated in which country?
(A) Switzerland
(B) Netherland
(C) France
(D) Japan
Hygrometer is used for what purpose?
(A) Air pressure
(B) Humidity in air
(C) Gaseous pressure
(D) None of the above
Barometer is used for measurement of?
(A) Atmospheric pressure
(B) Gravity of a liquid
(C) Gaseous pressure
(D) None of the above
Diet is the name of parliament of which country?
(A) France
(B) Japan
(C) Russia
(D) Norway
Mississippi river is situated in?
(A) South America
(B) France
(C) Spain
(D) North America