(A) Agility
(B) Strength
(C) Speed
(D) Flexibility
Tag: Health and Physical Education
Blood gets de-oxygenated in?
(A) Muscle
(B) Nerves
(C) Lungs
(D) Heart
Aerobic power can be enhanced by?
(A) Swimming
(B) Circuit training
(C) Short sprints
(D) Long distance running
Why good nutrition is necessary for good health?
(A) Postural deformities
(B) Development
(C) Instant replies
(D) Good habits
The quality of Physical Education teacher is?
(A) Civilized
(B) Good performance
(C) Young
(D) Smart
Appendix is helpful in Digestive system of human being for?
(A) Helpful in digestion of food
(B) Maintain the temperature during digestion process
(C) Helpful in secreting the digestive juice
(D) Not helpful in digestive process
Health is primarily a responsibility of the?
(A) Community
(B) Individual
(C) State
(D) Parents
Strategy ‘Fast break’ is related with the game?
(A) Athletics
(B) Basketball
(C) Swimming
(D) Boxing