(A) Hockey
(B) Football
(C) Cricket
(D) Volleyball
Tag: Health and Physical Education
A log distance runner must consume more quantity of?
(A) Fat
(B) Protein
(C) Carbohydrate
(D) Minerals
The amount of Blood comes out from ventricle, per minute is called?
(A) Cardiac cycle
(B) Cardiac output
(C) Cardiac volume
(D) Ventricle volume
The National Game of Pakistanis?
(A) Cricket
(B) Football
(C) Hockey
(D) Badminton
During a hockey match, if the ball is stuck in the Goalkeeper’s pads then game is restarted?
(A) By Bully
(B) By centre back pass
(C) By hit from outside ‘D’
(D) By toss
The width of a lane in an athletic track is?
(A) 1.20 mt
(B) 1.21 mt
(C) 1.19 mt
(D) 1.22 mt
Who declares the ‘Olympic games close’?
(A) Chairman JOC
(B) President IOC
(C) Secretary IOC
(D) Prime Minister of the country
Water percentage in plasma is?
(A) 60%
(B) 70%
(C) 80%
(D) 90%