(A) Spain
(B) Japan and Chile
(C) Peru and China
(D) The USSR
Tag: History Mcqs
Which is the chef town of Guam?
(A) Agana
(B) Saipan
(C) Kolonia
(D) Yap
Exactly how for North do Austrailian boundry claims extend?
(A) To islsnd oil the coast of Indonesia Iran Jaya
(B) To islsnd oil the coast of Timor
(C) To islsnd of the Solomon islands
(D) To islands just of the coast of Papua New Guiena
What is New Zeland’s southermost major city?
(A) Duniden
(B) Wellington
(C) Invercargill
(D) Christchurch
Where exactly is Lake disappointment?
(A) In the center of western Austrailia
(B) In the North terrotry of Austrailia
(C) In South Austrailia
(D) In Cape York peninsula Austrailia
Which part of New Zeland gets haviest annual rainfall?
(A) The northern tip of North island
(B) The southern part of south island west coast
(C) The Bankd penisula south island
(D) The east coast of north island
All but three of the eleven Line islands are the part of one country. To whom do the three belong?
(A) France
(B) Tuvalu
(C) New Zeland
Which is the capital of south Austrailia?
(A) Adelaide
(B) Port Agusta
(C) Ballart
(D) Melbourn