(A) Prince Bismark
(B) Joan of Arc
(C) Hitler
(D) Gen. Rommel
Tag: History Mcqs
The form of government in France is:
(A) Presidential form of democracy
(B) Monarchy
(C) Parliamentary form of democracy
(D) None of these
Italy was drawn into the second world war under the leadership of:
(A) Mussolini
(B) Cavoor
(C) Attlee
(D) Garibaldi
In the year 1815 the battle of Waterloo was fought between:
(A) Japan and China
(B) Britain and France
(C) Britain and Germany
(D) Austria and Russia
Which among the following countries has the parliamentary form of government:
(A) U.K
(B) Bangladesh
(C) U.S.A
(D) France
The statement Democracy is the government of people, by the people, for the people is attributed to:
(A) George Washington
(B) James Madison
(C) Thomas Jefferson
(D) Abraham Lincoln
The emergence of the United States of America as an independent nation was immediately followed by the:
(A) Farming of a written republican constitution
(B) Abolition of a slavery by the state of vermont
(C) Civil war between different states of U.S.A
(D) Introduction of universal adult franchise
The term third estate in France before the revolution of 1789 was used to describe the:
(A) Common people
(B) Royalty
(C) Nobility
(D) Clergy