(A) a situation in which things remains unchanged.
(B) a situation in which things are constantly changing.
(C) This is the scale for measuring water density
(D) None of the above
Tag: Idioms and Phrases
What is the meaning of phrase ‘To beat the Air’?
(A) Fly above the air
(B) To make a useless effort
(C) Very effective try
(D) None of the above
What is the meaning of To smell a rat.
(A) to suspect a trick
(B) to overcome fair
(C) to steal someone ides
(D) All of the above
What is the meaning of the phrase ‘to be lost in clouds’?
(A) To have one ideas for away
(B) To have one thoughts reachable easily
(C) Out of favour
(D) None of the above
What is the meaning of ‘to take after’?
(A) To be similar in appearance
(B) To be similar ideas
(C) Similar voice
(D) None of the above
what is the meaning of ‘dog in the manger policy’?
(A) a policy good for nobody
(B) a policy good for adults
(C) a policy good for only women
(D) All of the above
What is called ‘cynic’?
(A) who do lot of sins
(B) one who sees no good in anything
(C) one who take all things positive
(D) one who always think negative
What is the meaning of ‘to pull the strings’?
(A) to look for away
(B) to be hesitant
(C) to manipulate
(D) None of the above