(A) Coke
(B) Graphite
(C) Coal
(D) Carbon Black
Tag: Inorganic Chemistry
Galvanized iron is made by coating iron with?
(A) Nickel
(B) Chromium
(C) Zinc
(D) Sulphur
Sodium vapour lamps glow with yellow colour. This is due to?
(A) Sublimation of sodium to emit yellow colour.
(B) The emission of excess energy absorbed by sodium atoms in the yellow region of the spectrum
(C) The low ionization energy of sodium
(D) Its ability to absorb all other colours except yellow.
Zn2++2e- —->Zn(s). This is?
(A) Redox reaction
(B) Reduction
(C) Oxidation
(D) None of the above
Charcoal is used in water treatment as a?
(A) Absorbent
(B) Coagulant
(C) Solvent
(D) Adsorbent
Which is the purest form of iron?
(A) Pig iron
(B) Cast iron
(C) Wrought iron
(D) Steel
Which variety of coal contains recognizable traces of the original plant material?
(A) Lignite
(B) Peat
(C) Bitumen
(D) Anthracite
Which of the following is the petroleum wax?
(A) Camauba wax
(B) Bees wax
(C) Paraffin wax
(D) Jojoba wax