(A) 27
(B) 29
(C) 31
(D) 34
Tag: Islamic Studies mcqs
To which sahabi keys of Jeruslem were handed over first of all?
(A) Hazrat Umar RA
(B) Hazrat Abbas RA
(C) Hazrat Usman RA
(D) Hazrat Jaffar Tayar RA
Which sahabi conquered Persia first?
(A) Hazrat Ma’az RA
(B) Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid RA
(C) Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas RA
(D) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Ali RA
In which night the Holy Quran was first revealed?
(A) Laila-Tul-Qadr
(B) Shabe-e-Miraj
(C) Shabe-e-Barat
(D) None of the above
Religious terminology of ‘’Nirwan’’ related to:
(A) Jain-Mat
(B) Hindu-Mat
(C) Buddh-Mat
(D) Sikhism
Largest muslim army was the battle of?
(A) Ditch
(B) Uhad
(C) Tabook
(D) Badar
The fallen wealth is called?
(A) Luqta
(B) Nufqa
(C) Rikaz
(D) None of the above
The inheritants that are determined from the deceased inheritance:
(A) Zavil-Ar-Haam
(B) Zavil-Fra-Id
(C) Us-Baat
(D) None of the above