(A) Abbas RA
(B) Jaffar RA
(C) Hamza RA
(D) None of the above
Tag: Islamic Studies mcqs
In which battle was the muslim Kazab was killed?
(A) Tabook
(B) Yamama
(C) Badar
(D) Moota
Which sahabi was gave final opinion about the burial of the Prophet PBUH?
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakr RA
(B) Hazrat Umar RA
(C) Hazrat Ali RA
(D) None of the above
Who’s title is ‘Syed ul Shuhda’?
(A) Hazrat Ali RA
(B) Hazrat Abbas RA
(C) Hazrat Hamza RA
(D) None of the above
The upright stones at some distance from one another are called?
(A) Rami
(B) Waquf
(C) Tawaf
(D) Jamarat
The second important step of Hajj after Waquf is?
(A) Rami
(B) Sacrifice
(C) Tawaf
(D) Sayee
In which month Hajj is performed?
(A) Rajab
(B) Shaban
(C) Ramzan
(D) Zil Hajj
Name the sacred area around Makkah?
(A) Jamarat
(B) The Haram
(C) Ihraam
(D) Arafat