The novel as a vehicle for psychological analysis rather than the recounting of events became the major literary form in mind __ century.

(A) 18th Century
(B) 19th Century
(C) 20th Century
(D) 21th Century

The conflict of life with the forces of experience places Dickens and heir to the __ .

(A) Neo-classical poets
(B) Classical poets
(C) Romantic poets
(D) Elizabeth’s poets

__ represented the feeling of an age anxious about the miserable conditions of its children and inspired others to make a similar protest.

(A) Oliver Twist(Charles Dickens)
(B) Tess(Thomas Hardy)
(C) Pride and Prejudice(Jane Austen)
(D) None of the above

What poem of Frost does the line ‘’good fences make good neighbours’’?

(A) Birches
(B) Road not to taken
(C) Mending walls
(D) After Apple picking

Following __ model of pretending to defend the October revolution Orwell protests at the corruption of the Communism ideas in the Soviet Union by Stalin.

(A) Lenin
(B) Trotsky
(C) Bolshevik
(D) Kereasky

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