(A) Theatre of Absurd
(B) Roman Theatre
(C) Street Theatre
(D) Epic Theatre
Tag: M.A English Literature Mcqs with Answers
George Bernard Shaw was influenced by __ as the dramatist plays exactly titled every middle and professional class suburb in Europe.
(A) Molre
(B) Racine
(C) Ibsen
(D) Shakespeare
Linda in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House provides a sub-plot by her relations with Krogstad and she serves a foil and model to __ who recognizes through her that a woman is entitled to her own judgement and independent thought.
(A) Rebecca
(B) Gina
(C) Nora
(D) Hedda
In a defence of Poesy what did Sydney attribute to poetry?
(A) A magical power whereby poetry plays tricks on the reader.
(B) A realistic power that can not be made to seem like more illusion and trickery.
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above
Bacon’s devotedness to __ was responsible for his rapid rise in the British court which won him knighthood.
(A) Henry VIII
(B) Elizabeth I
(C) James I
(D) Mary Tudor
Who was awarded noble prize in literature in 1948 for his outstanding pioneer contribution to present day poetry?
(A) Emily Dickinson
(B) Ezra Pound
(C) T.S. Eliot
(D) W.H. Auden
Set of all possible grammatical sentences in the language is?
(A) Langue
(B) Le Language
(C) Parole
(D) All of the above
Another name for grammar translation method is?
(A) Direct method
(B) Aural method
(C) Communicating method
(D) Classical method