(A) Less than
(B) Greater than
(C) Equal to
(D) None of the above
Tag: maths mcqs
What is called remainder?
(A) A number obtained after product
(B) A number obtained as result of addition
(C) A number obtained as result of subtraction
(D) A number obtained as result of division
What do we call 10 in 10/5.
(A) Sum
(B) Dividend
(C) Qoutient
(D) Divisor
What do we call 45 in 30+15=45.What the form of writing this number?
(A) Product
(B) Answer
(C) Sum
(D) Subtraction
We can write 30=10+20. what is the form of writing this number?
(A) Expanded
(B) Word
(C) Standard
(D) All of the above
After how many digits commas are placed in writing the number in international system?
(A) 3
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 5
What is the place value of 3 in 5342?
(A) 3
(B) 30
(C) 300
(D) 3000