(A) The use of words like “many”, “some” or “often” in qualitative research
(B) A poor attempt at statistical analysis
(C) The use of a survey instrument that has not been tested for inter-coder reliability
(D) The way scientists talk about their data in numerical terms to enhance the credibility of their findings
Tag: Mcqs in Sociology
Which of the following is not one of the contrasts that has been made to distinguish between quantitative and qualitative research?
(A) Behaviour versus meaning
(B) Numbers versus words
(C) Traditional versus modern
(D) Artificial versus natural
Why does Bryman argue that research methods can be seen as relatively “free-floating” or autonomous?
(A) Because researchers often change their minds about which method to use
(B) Because most qualitative researchers are Hippies who believe in free love
(C) Because there is no longer any meaningful distinction between quantitative and qualitative research
(D) Because there is no inevitable connection between a researcher’s choice of method and their epistemological/ ontological beliefs
Why might we say that quantitative researchers also try to study social meanings?
(A) Because the method they use most is the in-depth interview
(B) Because their written reports usually refer to an interpretivist epistemology
(C) Because surveys and questionnaires are used to examine attitudes and opinions
(D) Because they observe human behaviour in a laboratory
How is it argued that qualitative research can have “empiricist overtones”?
(A) Semi-structured interview schedules are used to quantify behaviour
(B) There is an emphasis on direct observation of people and social settings
(C) Qualitative researchers prefer to conduct statistical analyses of their data
(D) It typically involves testing a clearly defined hypothesis
The natural sciences have often been characterized as being positivist in epistemological orientation. Which of the following has been proposed as an alternative account?
(A) Marxism
(B) Subjectivism
(C) Interpretivism
(D) Realism
Which is the correct sequence for creating a memo in NVivo?
(A) Sources, Memos, New, Memo in this folder
(B) Nodes, New type, Memo to self
(C) Sources, Documents, Browse, Import Memo
(D) It is not possible to create memos in NVivo
Which of the following is a kind of search that can be carried out in NVivo?
(A) Single node search
(B) Intersection search
(C) Specific text search
(D) All of the above