(C) Folate coenzyme
(D) Biotin coenzyme
Tag: Mcqs of Biochemistry
ATP is ‘wasted’ in Rapoport-Lueberring cycle in RBCs as otherwise it will inhibit?
(A) Phosphoglucomutase
(B) Phosphohexo isomerase
(C) Phosphofructo kinase
(D) Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxy kinase
Pyruvate kinase requires __ ions for maximum activity.
(A) Na+
(B) K+
(C) Ca2+
(D) Mg2+
The total Glucose in the body is __ gms.
(A) 10–15
(B) 20–30
(C) 40–50
(D) 60–80
The total glycogen content of the body is about __ gms.
(A) 100
(B) 200
(C) 300
(D) 500
Acetyl CoA is not used for the synthesis of?
(A) Fatty acid
(B) Cholesterol
(C) Pyruvic acid
(D) Citric acid
Two conditions in which gluconeogenesis is increased are?
(A) Diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis
(B) Fed condition and thyrotoxicosis
(C) Diabetes mellitus and Starvation
(D) Alcohol intake and cigarette smoking
Transketolase has the coenzyme:
(A) NAD+
(B) FP
(D) Pyridoxol phosphate