(A) Line islands
(B) Gilbert ilsnds
(C) New Hybrids
(D) Loyalty islands
Tag: Mcqs of History
Which Austrailian state enjoys a tropical climate?
(A) Queensland
(B) Northern terrotry
(C) Western Australia
(D) South Australia
New Zeland admnisters two self governing Polynesian terrotries. Which are they?
(A) Tuvalu and Kiribati
(B) Niue and Cook islands
(C) Viti levu and Vanua levu
(D) Phoenix and Line islands
Where is seat of Government on Amercian Samoa?
(A) Fagatogo
(B) Pago Pago
(C) Apia
(D) Tarawa
In which country would you find the Owne Stanely Range?
(A) Austrailia
(B) New Zeland
(C) Papua New Guina
(D) Solomon islands
Which Austrailian state has large areas that are marshy lakes?
(A) West Austailia
(B) Queensland
(C) Victoria
(D) South Austrailia
Where exactly is Mount Erebus?
(A) North Island New Zeland
(B) The Ross dependency Antarcatica
(C) The Austrailian Alps
(D) In the Owen Stanely Range
Where exactly in Austailia would you find Coromondel?
(A) North Island New Zeland
(B) Western Austrilia
(C) Austrailia’s Northern Terrotry
(D) Fiji