(A) The Great Barrier Reef
(B) The Lord Howe Rise
(C) The Norfolk Ridge
(D) The Empror seamount chain
Tag: Mcqs of History
What and where is Ayer’s Rock?
(A) A mountain in southern New Zeland
(B) A Town in western Austrailia
(C) A park in Antarkatka
(D) An islated rock formation which rises above central Austrailia
What is the chief mineral produce of Guyana?
(A) Bauxite
(B) Limestone
(C) Tin
(D) Oil
What is Argentina’s desert called?
(A) Pampas
(B) Patagonia
(C) Gran Chaco
(D) Cardoba
Where is Porto Presidante Storessner a town named after the country’s presedent?
(A) Uraguay
(B) Bolivia
(C) Argentina
(D) Paraguay
After which intriped navigater is the largest chilen province named?
(A) Colombus
(B) Vas Code Gama
(C) Magellan
(D) Cabot
Where exactly is Davil’s Island?
(A) Of the coast of French Guyana
(B) Of the coast of Surinam
(C) Of the coast of Guyana
(D) Of the coast of Venzuela
Which is the stormiest part of South Amerca?
(A) The Falkland Islands
(B) The Southermost part of Chile
(C) The Venzuela coast
(D) Around Racife in Brazil