(A) Peru
(B) Chile
(C) Venezuela
(D) Bolivia
Tag: Mcqs of History
Which major city straddle the Rio de la plata?
(A) La Plata and Montivido
(B) Avellenda and San dos je Mayo
(C) Montivido and la Plata
(D) Montivido and Buenos Aires
To whom do the Juan Fernandez islands belong?
(A) Peru
(B) Ecuador
(C) Chile
(D) Colombia
Of which is stanley the capital?
(A) The Falklands
(B) South Georgia
(C) South Sandwhich
(D) Uraguay
Which south Amercan country had a negtive population growth rate in the scond half of this century?
(A) Guyana because of emigration to Britain
(B) Surinam because of emigration to Holland
(C) French Guyana because of emigration to France
(D) Colombia because of the drug wars
Which south atlantic islands were until 1985 dependencies of a British terrotry near Argantina?
(A) South shetlands
(B) South Orkynes
(C) Deception and Elephant islands
(D) South Georgia and south Sandwhich
In which country does the Amazon have its source?
(A) Colombia
(B) Brazil
(C) Peru
(D) Bolivia
Which river devides paraguay into its two distinct halves?
(A) Paraguay
(B) Parana
(C) Pilcomayo
(D) Salado