(A) West
(B) South
(C) North
(D) East
Tag: Mcqs of History
What is the main town of the island of Hawaii?
(A) Honolulu
(B) Molokai
(C) Hilo
(D) Pearl
What is the largest livestock population in Nea Zeland?
(A) Sheep
(B) Poultry
(C) Cattle
(D) Horses
Which Pacific nation has a population that is in the majority Indian?
(A) Tonga
(B) Fiji
(C) Western Samoa
(D) Nauru
What is mount Isa famous for?
(A) Mining
(B) Oupal
(C) Granite
(D) Sheep farming
What is the capital of Papua New Guinea?
(A) Lae
(B) Madang
(C) Rabaul
(D) Port Moresby
In what state does the River Murrary flow out to sea?
(A) New South Wales
(B) South Austrailia
(C) Victoria
(D) Western Austrailia
What is Austrilia’s most important sugercane growing state?
(A) Northern terrotry
(B) Western Austrailia
(C) Queensland
(D) Does not grow in Austailia