(A) Title Bar
(B) Name Box
(C) Formula Bar
(D) Status Bar
Tag: MS Office Mcqs
First cell in excel worksheet is labeled as?
(A) A0
(B) Aa
(C) AA
(D) A1
How to save a workbook?
(A) Click save on windows start button
(B) Ctrl+F5
(C) Click the save option in file menu
(D) Select edit save
MS Excel is based on?
(B) OS/2
(D) Windows
In Ms Excel all formulas are begin with?
(A) &
(B) @
(C) #
(D) =
In excel window which area allows entering formulas and values?
(A) Formula bar
(B) Standard toolbar
(C) Title bar
(D) Menu bar
What is the default extension of excel file?
(A) 123
(B) Wk123
(C) xlx
(D) xlsx
MS Excel is a powerful?
(A) Communication Software Package
(B) Word Processing Package
(C) Spreadsheet Package
(D) None of the above