(A) Movie clips can be inserted but not sound clips
(B) Sound clips can be inserted but not movie clips
(C) Both can be inserted
(D) Both can not be inserted
Tag: MS Office Mcqs
How insert Hyperlink in a slide?
(A) Press Ctrl+K
(B) Choose Insert>>Hyperlink
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above
What is the correct method to insert slide number?
(A) Choose insert>>slide Number
(B) Insert a text box and select insert>>Page Number
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above
Three option available in insert?
(A) Clipart, From file, Shapes
(B) Clipart, Pictures, Shapes
(C) Clipart, Pictures, Autoshapes
(D) Pictures, Shapes, Photo Album
If you want to insert some slide from other presentation into current one choose?
(A) From insert menu choose slides
(B) From slide show choose slides
(C) From home tab click arrow next to new slide and then click slides from outline
(D) All of the above
Which among following is not a slide design?
(A) Color Scheme
(B) Design Template
(C) Animation Scheme
(D) Slide Layout
Which method can insert a new slide?
(A) From insert menu choose new slide
(B) Right click on the slide and then choose new slide
(C) On home tab click on new slide button
(D) All of the above
From which menu you can insert picture, Text box and charts?
(A) Insert
(B) View
(C) Design
(D) File