(A) Simple
(B) Adamant
(C) Helpful
(D) Flexible
Tag: NTS English Mcqs
Opposite of Hegemony is?
(A) Subordination
(B) Domination
(C) Materialism
(D) Booty
For his diligent work in chemistry, Professor Smith was lauded at the banquet as __ of the year.
(A) Scientist
(B) Teacher
(C) Manager
(D) Astrologer
Synonym of Waggle is?
(A) Betting
(B) Wobble
(C) Bickery
(D) Strong
The priest was wearing long __.
(A) Cloth
(B) Clothes
(C) Clothe
(D) Clothess
Don’t flinch __ the facts.
(A) On
(B) Of
(C) From
(D) To
Fish : Scales ::
(A) Birds : Feather
(B) Snake : Fangs
(C) Book : Papers
(D) Cat : Claws
Lahore’s teachers received the third largest salary hike in the country last year but still did not move up in national __.
(A) Ratings
(B) Readings
(C) Rankings
(D) Ranting