(A) Energetic
(B) Calm
(C) Shy
(D) Coward
Tag: NTS English Mcqs
Synonym of Collision is?
(A) Limit
(B) Crash
(C) Crescent
(D) Small
Synonym of Accumulate is?
(A) Distribute
(B) Jumping
(C) Collect
(D) Agreement
Synonym of Detrimental is?
(A) Terminated
(B) Swallow
(C) Harmful
(D) Friendly
Meaning of Zest is?
(A) Small
(B) Big
(C) Upper
(D) Keenness
She jumped ___ the Bus.
(A) through
(B) from
(C) off
(D) into
The train went ___ the tunnel.
(A) from
(B) by
(C) of
(D) into
Antonym of Antipathy is?
(A) Anticipation
(B) Affinity
(C) Feable
(D) Finite