(A) Punctuation mark
(B) Comma
(C) Colon
(D) All of the above
Tag: NTS English Mcqs
Horse, dog, Car, bike, Ahmed, Italy and Books are all in grammar called?
(A) Noun
(B) Adverb
(C) Adjective
(D) Verbf
What is the antonym of the word descendants?
(A) Relatives
(B) Friends
(C) Partners
(D) Ancestors
What is the synonym of the word disagreement?
(A) Argument
(B) Comment
(C) Talking vicely
(D) Disprove
What is the synonym of word ability?
(A) Competent
(B) Vice
(C) Skill
(D) Narrow Minded
What is the synonym of the word nervous?
(A) Anxious
(B) Afraid
(C) Brave
(D) Fair
Work hard lest ____ should fail.
(A) He
(B) She
(C) You
(D) My
The child has not been ______ by anybody.
(A) Beats
(B) Beaten
(C) Beat
(D) None of the above