(A) God help me!
(B) Let’s go
(C) The Horror! The Horror!
(D) Exterminate all the brutes!
Tag: Old English Literature
Concept of English as a global language is proposed by?
(A) Kachru
(B) Paul Grice
(C) Michael Halliday
(D) David Crystall
Which Bronte wrote ‘’Wuthering Heights’’?
(A) Emily
(B) Isabel
(C) Brankwell
(D) None of the above
Who introduce dramatic monologue?
(A) John Donne
(B) Shakespeare
(C) Matthew Arnold
(D) Robert Browning
Language is a source of developing theme. This function of language is referred to?
(A) Relational Function
(B) Metalingual Function
(C) Heuristic Function
(D) None of the above
Who explained the relationship of language with thought?
(A) Ferdinand De Sassure
(B) Mandle
(C) Sapir – Whorf
(D) Krashen
Who wrote the early 16th century prose work ‘’Utopia’’?
(A) Sir Thomas Wyatt
(B) Thomas Carlyte
(C) Sir Thomas More
(D) None of the above
Who is the author of Heart of Darkness?
(A) James Joyce
(B) Joseph Marine
(C) Joseph Conard
(D) None of the above