(A) Feminine
(B) Masculine
(C) Eunuch
(D) Euphorian
Tag: Old English Literature
One remarkable feature of Shakespearean tragedy comedy is that it contains continental and __ background.
(A) Mediterranean
(B) Pacific
(C) Arabian
(D) Atlantic
Shakespeare’s most formidable rival as a comedy writer was __ .
(A) Marlowe
(B) Ben Jonson
(C) Peele
(D) Lily
Marlowe’s primitive tragedy was?
(A) Sejanus
(B) The Jew of Mal
(C) Tamburlaine
(D) Faustus
During the age of Chaucer England passed through the first stages of her long journey out of __ .
(A) Chauvinism
(B) Medievalism
(C) Communism
(D) Fascism
The __ century is the most important epoch in the intellectual history of Europe.
(A) 11th
(B) 12th
(C) 13th
(D) 14th
Byron sealed his European reputation as a rebel by his death while supporting the __ against the Turks.
(A) The Greek Revolt
(B) Mustafa Kamal
(C) The Iran Revolt
(D) The Turkish Revolt
Keats wrote his six great odes __ .
(A) Between 1816 to 1819
(B) Between December and January 1814
(C) Between April and September 1819
(D) Between May and June 1817