(A) Non concurrent
(B) Concurrent
(C) Monotonic
(D) None of the above
Tag: Operating System Mcqs with Answers PDF
Which among following is loaded in safe mode?
(A) VGA Drive
(B) Mouse Driver
(C) Keyboard Driver
(D) All of the above
Which mode loads minimal set of drivers when starting Windows?
(A) Normal mode
(B) Safe mode
(C) Network Support Mode
(D) VGA Mode
Which menu bar selection would you access to open file?
(A) View
(B) Help
(C) Option
(D) None of the above
Operating system creates __ from the physical computer.
(A) Virtual computer
(B) Virtual space
(C) Virtual device
(D) None of the above
A process can enter into its critical section?
(A) When it receives a reply message from its parent process.
(B) When it receives a reply message from all other processes in a system.
(C) Anytime.
(D) None of the above
In distributed systems for proper synchronization?
(A) Prevention from the deadlock and starvation is must.
(B) Prevention from the starvation is must.
(C) Prevention from the deadlock is must.
(D) None of the above
In a token passing approach of distributed systems the process are organized in a ring?
(A) Logically
(B) Physically
(C) Both Logically and Physically
(D) None of the above