(A) J. Korbel
(B) Lawrence Ziring
(C) Dr. Riaz Ahmed
(D) None of the above
Tag: Pak Affairs Mcqs
Which system was adopted in the constitution of 1956?
(A) Multi-Cameral
(B) Unicameral
(C) Bicameral
(D) None of the above
UNHCR in Pakistan works for?
(A) Rehabilitation of Refugees
(B) Protection of Minority Rights
(C) Disease Control
(D) None of the above
The strongholds of Arya Samaj were mainly in the?
(A) Westen India and Eastern India
(B) Western and Northern India
(C) Northen and Southern India
(D) None of the above
Body of law which defines the relationship of the different entities within a state namely the legislature, the executive and the judiciary is called?
(A) Customary Law
(B) State Law
(C) Constitutional Law
(D) Common Law
According to the article __ of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan , Islam shall be the state religion of Pakistan.
(A) Article 2
(B) Article 227
(C) Article 228
(D) Article 31
Which of the following in Pakistan is supreme policy making body in the economic sphere?
(D) None of the above
Which of the following is the power and function of Supreme Judicial Council?
(A) Settling disputes between Federal and Provincial Governments.
(B) Hearing the cases of misconduct of judges.
(C) Hearing appeals from other courts.
(D) All of the above