(A) strict
(B) friendly
(C) unaproachable
(D) None of the above
Tag: Pedagogy Mcqs for Educators
Who headed National Education Policy 1970?
(A) Fazal-Ur-Rehman
(B) Fazal E Haq
(C) Zia Ul Haq
(D) Abdul Hafeez Pirzada
In Pakistan Which body recommended to establish Text Book Board?
(A) National Education Commission 1947
(B) Educational Conference 1947
(C) National Educational conference 1958
(D) National Educational conference 1959
What is the meaning of term dictation?
(A) Test for understanding
(B) Test for remembering things quickly
(C) Test for writing
(D) All of the above
What should be the first objective to develop when teaching english?
(A) Writing skills
(B) Listening skills
(C) Reading skills
(D) None of the above
Lending ear to spoken words to hear and understand message is called?
(A) Talking
(B) Understanding
(C) Listening
(D) None of the above
What is ‘3Rs’ stand for in education?
(A) read, recall, review
(B) radio, recall, review
(C) revise, review, recall
(D) All of the above
There would be no communication if there is no________?
(A) Message
(B) TV
(C) Radio
(D) Receiver