(A) School design statement
(B) Objective statement
(C) Student outcomes
(D) Mission statement
Tag: Pedagogy Mcqs for SST
The test which is taken to keep student in a particular course, program or class is known as?
(A) Achievement test
(B) Aptitude test
(C) Diagnostic test
(D) Placement test
Most of our classroom assessment are?
(A) Criterion reference test
(B) Summative assessment
(C) Formative assessment
(D) None of the above
Question answer method was developed by?
(A) Socrates
(B) John Dewey
(C) Glaser
(D) Coldwell
Which of the authority heavily relies on hierarchy rules and regulations, mandates and clearly communicated roles as a way to provide teachers with a script to follow?
(A) Democratic authority
(B) Academic authority
(C) Professional authority
(D) Bureaucratic authority
Teacher is considered for leave purpose as employee of?
(A) Vacation department
(B) Non-vacation department
(C) Semi-Government department
(D) Non-Government department
Test is?
(A) Content developing tool
(B) A problem solver device
(C) Measuring instrument tool
(D) Knowledge sharing tool
Staff participation in decision making means that staff should be involved in?
(A) Policy execution
(B) Policy formulation
(C) Both in Policy execution and policy formulation
(D) Implementation of policy decision