(A) School climate
(B) Formative assessment
(C) School culture
(D) School environment
Tag: Pedagogy Mcqs with Answers
A relatively brief statement summarizing the purpose of the school is known as?
(A) Mission statement
(B) School design statement
(C) Student outcomes
(D) Objective statement
Trial and error method for learning was adopted by?
(A) John Dewey
(B) Froebel
(C) Thorn Dike
(D) Rousseau
The teacher who is a pragmatist sees himself mainly as a?
(A) Motivating influence and facilitator
(B) Questioning and Challenging presence
(C) Leader whose role is to discipline the students
(D) Knowledgeable authority
Decisions are made by the leader after consultation of selected colleagues in?
(A) Mushawarati Model
(B) Laissaze Faire Model
(C) Democratic Model
(D) Authogoritarian
Self actualization theory was developed by?
(A) Freud
(B) McDougall
(C) Maslow
(D) Adler
Research design in which effort is made to study the effect of more than one independent variables on dependent variables are called?
(A) Factorial
(B) Ex-post facto
(C) Time series
(D) Experimental
Confirmation of an employee on the job is made when he/she completes satisfactorily
(A) 2 years service
(B) 3 years service
(C) 1 year service
(D) 6 months service