(A) Oxford university
(B) Stanford university
(C) Delhi university
(D) M.S. University Baroda(India)
Tag: Pedagogy mcqs
In order to modify the undesireable behaviour of a student the most effective method is?
(A) To bring it to the notice of the parents
(B) To punish the student
(C) To find out the reasons for the undesireable behaviour and provide remedies
(D) None of the above
Which of the following expectation students have from group learning?
(A) To distribute the work equally
(B) To get appreciation from the group
(C) To ignore individual view point
(D) To attract isolated student towards the group
Computer based teaching model was developed in?
(A) 1962
(B) 1965
(C) 1967
(D) 1969
Computer based teaching model has been developed by?
(A) Gilbert
(B) Stolurow and Davis
(C) Robert Gagne
(D) Mecner
In which of the following instructional procedure is the main component of?
(A) Social stimulation
(B) Synectics teaching model
(C) Inductive model
(D) Basic teaching model
The main task of educational computer is?
(A) Preserve the information
(B) Scoring the answers
(C) Analysis of data
(D) All of the above
Teacher behavior ought to be?
(A) Administrative
(B) Instructive
(C) Idealistic
(D) Directive