(A) Existentialism
(B) Pragmatism
(C) Idealism
(D) Realism
Tag: Pedagogy mcqs
The process quantifying the observed performance of learner in class room is called?
(A) Test
(B) Assessment
(C) Measurement
(D) Evaluation
Researcher needs to be familiar with these three basic types of sources?
(A) Primary references, Primary resources and secondary resources.
(B) General references, historical resources and secondary resources
(C) General references, primary resources and statistical resources
(D) None of the above
Trial and error method for learning was adopted by?
(A) Froebel
(B) John Dewey
(C) Thorn Dike
(D) None of the above
The teacher who is a pragmatist sees himself mainly as a?
(A) Motivating influence and facilitator
(B) Knowledgeable authority
(C) The leader whose role is to discipline students
(D) None of the above
Decisions are made by the leader after constitution of selected colleagues in?
(A) Laissaze Fair Model
(B) Mashawarti Model
(C) Democratic Model
(D) None of the above
The term bureaucracy was introduced by?
(A) Frederick Taylor
(B) Max Weber
(C) Henry Fayol
(D) None of the above
The shared perceptions of the characteristics of the school and of its members?
(A) School atmosphere
(B) School environment
(C) School climate
(D) School culture