(A) Achievement
(B) Teacher made
(C) Aptitude
(D) Standardized
Tag: Pedagogy mcqs
Directing, advising and encouraging subordinates is a part of?
(A) Supervision
(B) Administration
(C) Checking
(D) Inspection
Effectiveness of a curriculum determined by?
(A) Method
(B) Evaluation
(C) Objectives
(D) Design
Inductive method helps to draw the conclusions from?
(A) Concrete to Abstract
(B) Specific to Concrete
(C) Simple to Complex
(D) General to Specific
NCHD stands for?
(A) National Council for Human Development
(B) National Commission for Human Development
(C) National Center for Human Development
(D) National Council for Human
Elements of administration according to Luther Gulick are famous as?
Salary disbursement are recorded in?
(A) Long register
(B) Acquaintance roll
(C) Cash book
(D) Service book
The content to be taught by the teacher to the pupils was derived from?
(A) Curriculum
(B) Educational experiences
(C) Topics
(D) Syllabus