(A) Shulman
(B) Leach and Moon
(C) Alexander
(D) Watkins and Mortimer
Tag: Pedagogy mcqs
The set of courses and their contents offered by an institution such as a school or university is called?
(A) Assessment
(B) Curriculum
(C) Evaluation
(D) None of the above
Human intelligence is affected by?
(A) Only environment
(B) Only heredity
(C) Both heredity and environment
(D) Neither heredity nor environment
The idea that learning is social process was given by?
(A) Skinner
(B) Vygotsky
(C) Kholar
(D) Piaget
The split-half method is used as a test of?
(A) Inter-observer consistency
(B) Internal validity
(C) Constancy
(D) External validity
Alternate-form reliability is also known as:
(A) Test-retest reliability
(B) Split-half reliability
(C) Parallel forms
(D) Convergent reliability
Which of the following is true about ecological validity?
(A) Ecological validity refers to the applicability of findings to the real world.
(B) All laboratory experiments have low ecological validity.
(C) Ecological validity refers to how much a study methods resemble real life nations.
(D) None of the above
The term GESTALT means?
(A) Association
(B) Grammar
(C) The whole
(D) The parts