(A) The Bio-medical concept
(B) The Psycho-social concept
(C) The Religious concept
(D) The Ecological concept
Tag: Physical Education Mcqs
The length and width of a volley ball court is?
(A) l7x9metre
(B) l8x9metre
(C) l9xl0metre
(D) 20 x 10 meter
Against which country ‘Maradona’ scored the goal of the century?
(A) Brazil
(B) Germany
(C) Italy
(D) England
Which of the following food stuff contains almost all ingredients of a balanced diet?
(A) Meat
(B) Milk
(C) Chicken
(D) Fish
The weight. of a Basket Ball is__.
(A) 400-500 ounce
(B) 500-600 gm
(C) 567-650 ounce
(D) 567-650 gm
How we get injured in games?
(A) Precaution habits
(B) Long term training without rest
(C) When rules of games are not followed
(D) Over confidence
Range Swami Cup is awarded in?
(A) Hockey
(B) Football
(C) Cricket
(D) Volleyball
A long distance runner must consume more quantity of?
(A) Fat
(B) Protein
(C) Carbohydrate
(D) Minerals