(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 7
(D) 5
Tag: Physical Education Mcqs
The old name of polo is__.
(A) Chogan
(B) Rolau
(C) Guli danda
(D) Poghan
Polo is the national game of__.
(A) Pakistan
(B) India
(C) Bangladesh
(D) Polo
The name of polo international federation__.
(A) Polo association
(B) Harlangham Polo association
(C) Pakistan Polo association
(D) Right association of Polo
When the first Polo international match is played__.
(A) 1886
(B) 1885
(C) 1887
(D) 1877
The player of judo is known as__.
(A) Todoka
(B) Judoka
(C) Pudoka
(D) Shtoka
Where the international organization of judo office__.
(A) Japan
(B) China
(C) Korea
(D) India
Which is the famous title of judo__.
(A) Shihan
(B) Ninja
(C) Pihan
(D) Ninja