(A) Corfball
(B) Netball
(C) Softball
(D) Handball
Tag: Physical Education Questions
Shuttle run ‘Test’ measures:
(A) Explosive strength
(B) Speed endurance
(C) Agility
(D) Speed
The cardio respiratory capacity is related to:
(A) Strength
(B) Flexibility
(C) Normal physical endurance
(D) Agility
The longest muscle in human body is?
(A) Sartorius
(B) Biceps
(C) Deltoid
(D) Lattismus Dorsi
In which place World Class Hockey Academy is proposed to be established by International Hockey Federation?
(A) Berlin
(B) Sydney
(C) Madrid
(D) Dubai
What is flexibility?
(A) Isotonic movements
(B) Health
(C) Concentration
(D) Long life
What will you do, if you burn by fire?
(A) Lying down on floor
(B) To cover with quilt
(C) Will use maximum water
(D) Remove all clothes
To which of the following chambers of the heart, is the aorta connected?
(A) Left ventricle
(B) Right ventricle
(C) Right auricle
(D) Left auricle