Relation which exists between words which have the same form but unrelated senses is known to be?

(A) Homonymy
(B) Hyponymy
(C) Polysemy
(D) None of the above

A term which refers to the sequential characteristics of language is called?

(A) Paradigmatic
(B) Syntagmatic
(C) Synchrony
(D) None of the above

Primary grammatical level at which the sentences are formed is?

(A) Deep structure
(B) Surface structure
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above

A grammar which sets out to specify the formation of grammatical structure is?

(A) Pedagogical grammar
(B) Generative grammar
(C) Functional grammar
(D) None of the above

What grammatical element is contained in the line ‘’to be or not to be’’?

(A) Independent phrase
(B) Infinitive phrase
(C) Gerund phrase
(D) None of the above

A language with a markedly reduced grammatical structure, lexicon and stylistic range is said to be?

(A) Pidgin
(B) Lingua Franca
(C) Creole
(D) None of the above

__ is the language of communication between persons who have different first languages who speak different tribal languages.

(A) Code switching
(B) Business language
(C) Lingua Franca
(D) None of the above

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